Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

If you have just found out you are pregnant, then congratulations. You are on a wonderful journey of creating new life, and experiencing all the joys of motherhood. Obviously, you want to give your baby the best possible start in life, and that includes pre-natal health. There are several things you can do while you are pregnant to ensure a healthy pregnancy and birth.

• Pre-natal vitamins: These supplements will make sure that you and baby get the daily nutrition you need.

• Exercise: Low impact exercise is a must, and will help you get back in shape after your pregnancy. Walk daily, or buy some exercise DVDs that are made specifically for pregnant women.

• Eat right: You may crave sweets and popcorn, but you should make sure you eat properly. Don’t skip meals, and include lots of fiber, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Cut down on red meat and processed foods.

• Rest: You will need your rest, as you will be more tired than usual throughout your pregnancy. Leave the dishes and the vacuuming for later and take a nap instead. Often, even just 20 minutes will refresh you.

• No smoking or alcohol: This is just common sense, but is worth mentioning anyway. Cut out all alcohol and tobacco products.

• Get your paperwork done: You will find it difficult to find the time once your baby is born, so fill out as much paperwork as you can beforehand. You can ask your doctor or look online for birth certificate, critical illness insurance and other forms you need.

• Insurance: You will need affordable health insurance to get you through your pregnancy and beyond. Ask your doctor for their recommendations.

• See your medical professional regularly: Get physicals on a regular basis, as well as ultrasounds and other checkups. This will make sure that your baby’s progress is normal; a checkup will also alert you to any potential problems and concerns.

• Enjoy and relax: Once the baby arrives, your time and sleep patterns will change dramatically. Get as much rest as you can now. Enjoy each day, as you watch your body change and grow. Pregnancy is truly a miracle, and is something that only women know the joy of. You won’t be pregnant forever; learn to enjoy each moment. You may even want to journal your experiences.

A healthy pregnancy will ensure that you and your baby are prepared for the big day. It is perfectly normal to be excited and nervous at the same time. There are plenty of books on the subject of pregnancy and birth. Go to your local library, or your favourite bookstore. Stock up on little things like diapers, soap, wash cloths, formula, baby powder, and other items you are going to need. Most people buy sleepers, cribs, car seats and cribs, but forget about the little everyday things. The baby really isn’t going to care what colour their room is: they will certainly care about not having their diaper changed.

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