Seeing an Endodontist for Root Canal Treatment and Apicoectomy


Are your teeth failing or missing? If so, you can consider some tooth-replacement options, although it is often better to save your natural tooth whenever possible. Some dental issues are better left to an endodontist, especially if these issues have to do with the soft tissue and nerves inside your teeth. A Midtown board-certified endodontist performs routine and complex procedures such as root canal treatment, endodontic microsurgery, and retreatment.

When you see an endodontist, they will review your dental history and carry out a thorough examination. They will use diagnostic imaging and testing to help identify the specific issue. Once they come up with a diagnosis, they will discuss the options, benefits, and risks involved with you. This way, you can understand how your treatment can alleviate your pain and save your tooth.

Visiting an Endodontist for Root Canal Treatment

A canal is a space at the center of a tooth. Inside it is the root, which is made of soft tissue called pulp and nerves, connecting the tooth to the jaw. An unfilled tooth with a cavity can make it possible for the root to become infected. Once this occurs, you will need a root canal procedure. During a root canal procedure, your endodontist will dig into the affected tooth, clean out the infected tissue, fill in the space, and tear your tooth off with a crown. You must also see an endodontist if you need a root canal treatment to be redone. Regular root canal therapy may not work if the infection in a tooth goes too deep into the root. In this case, you will need endodontic surgery.

Getting an Apicoectomy

An apicoectomy is a procedure that your endodontist will perform if root canal therapy is not enough for your tooth’s condition. It is carried out by going through your gum. Your endodontist will create an incision in the gum, eliminate the tip of the root and the infected tissue that surrounds it. Then, they will fill the root’s end and stitch up your gum with sutures. Sometimes, your tooth might need a crown to seal it off, avoiding further infection or damage.

Seeing an Endodontist for Traumatic Teeth Injuries

An endodontist performs treatments such as root canal and apicoectomies to avoid pulling teeth. Also, they can help with traumatic injuries to teeth. These injuries can happen after an accident or a blow to the face or head. In this case, the teeth may chip, crack, break off, knock loose, or knock out completely. Usually, an endodontist can save these teeth. They will evaluate the damage and identify the best course of action.

If your teeth are chipped or cracked, the root may also be hurt by the fracture. Endodontic surgery is performed to repair the root to save the tooth. After fitting a crown, your tooth will feel and look like the original. Moreover, should you experience a luxated tooth, or a tooth that is knocked loose from its socket, your endodontist can reposition and stabilize it. If your tooth damage cannot be repaired, your endodontist may extract the tooth and replace it with a dental implant.

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