Gynecological Problems You Are Likely to Face During Your Reproductive Years

Gynecological Problems

Most women assume menstrual-related symptoms with the thought that the signs are likely to improve after their periods are over. Unfortunately, you could be ignoring a severe condition that causes you to have uncomfortable symptoms, affecting your life quality. Complex women’s health issues like endometriosis will adversely affect your life if your doctor does not help you manage the painful symptoms. In Forest Hills, NY a private medical practice at Raveco Medical features a team of expert gynecologists who thrive in complex gynecological issues affecting women. Though most of these conditions do not respond to conservative treatments, the facility’s specialists will take advantage of the minimally invasive options to manage your symptoms.

The complex gynecological conditions include:

Table of Contents

Ovarian Cysts

You are likely to get an ovarian cyst if you have regular periods and never know about it until it grows extensively or multiplies into many forms. According to experts, most women develop a cyst in their lifetime. However, they are usually painless, present no discomforts, and eventually disappear on their own. Though most of these fluid-filled sacs in or on your ovary’s surface have no symptoms, you will have signs when the cyst grows in size and ruptures. The symptoms include pelvic pain, bloating, and a characteristic fullness in your abdomen. You could also have complications that may result in painful symptoms.

During treatment, your doctor will devise a plan to shrink the cyst or remove it if it fails to fade and is growing big. Your treatment options include:

  • Laparoscopy
  • Laparotomy
  • Birth control pills


Also referred to as myomas or leiomyomas, fibroids are non-cancerous abnormal tumors characterized by muscular cells and fibrous tissues on or in your uterus. There are various types of fibroids and your doctor will define them by their location and size. You should suspect fibroids when you have symptoms like heavy menstrual flow accompanied by severe cramping.

Despite the symptoms, your doctor will take you through a diagnosis to evaluate your symptoms and their root cause. Your gynecologist will perform a pelvic exam to check on your uterus’ size, shape, and condition. He could also request an ultrasound to look at your uterus’ internal structures and the possibility of fibroids. Apart from the ultrasound, the professional might need to perform a pelvic MRI to produce images of your ovaries, uterus, and other pelvic organs.

You may not need treatment if your fibroids are small and present no symptoms. However, your doctor will design a treatment plan based on your fibroids’ size, your age, and your general health if you have symptoms.


The disorder is one of the incurable gynecological conditions that will likely affect you during your reproductive years. It is unusual for your endometrial tissues to grow beyond your uterus. Unfortunately, your endometrium may grow in your ovaries and other parts of your pelvic region or body parts with endometriosis. Your menstrual cycle’s hormonal changes affect the displaced endometrium, resulting in pain and inflammation in the affected area. During treatment, your doctor will create a plan to help manage your symptoms and relieve you from pain. He may recommend conservative treatments as your initial plan. If your symptoms fail to fade, he may suggest you go for surgery.

Complex gynecological problems may disrupt your everyday life if you hesitate to contact an expert for assistance. Schedule an appointment today and talk to your doctor about your symptoms.

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