Essential cosmetics and beauty products you really need

Essential cosmetics and beauty products you really need

Peruse your cosmetics drawer and you might find an array of cosmetics that are so old you can’t recall when or even why on earth you purchased them. Cosmetics, as it turns out, is a billion-dollar industry. Sound outrageous? If you have unused or partially used cosmetics and beauty products in your bathroom closet but continue to buy more every time you hit the drug store then you must take some credit for contributing to such a wealthy business.

If you want to revamp your cosmetics and beauty productsir?t=beautyhealt06 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B0043OYFKU&camp=217145&creative=399369 cache and save those hard earned dollars, then listen to this message and believe it to be true: there are really only a few essential cosmetics and beauty products you need that won’t break your bank account but will keep your appearance looking fresh and totally glamorous.

1. Foundation: Whether you prefer a liquid or powder foundation, foundation is a ‘must have’ cosmetic. Not only does foundation smooth out your complexion and give it an even tone, it actually protects your face from environmental pollution, allergens and dust. Foundation acts as a barrier between your pores and the daily dirt and grime your skin encounters. A daily application of moisturizer and foundation may even keep your skin healthier than using nothing at all.

2. Mascara: Good, quality mascara will make your eyes pop give you a dramatically beautiful look in an instant. Apply a heavy coat of rich, black mascara for nighttime events and keep it light and natural with a brown or brownish-black shade during the day.

3. Eyeliner: Eyeliner is perhaps the best cosmetic for achieving a dramatic look. Whether or not you want a smoky, soft or natural eye makeup, you can achieve any style with the many eyeliner beauty products on the market today. While many other cosmetics build a foundation, eyeliner instantly enhances your look. Eyeliner cosmetics are made as pencils or liquids. Try different eyeliner cosmetics to find the one that suits you best.

4. Blush & Bronze: For a fresh, beautiful glow to your skin you should use blush and/or bronze. Whether you prefer a powder, gel or cream blush and bronzer, use sparingly to give you a glow without overdoing it. Experiment and find which one works best for you!

5. Lipstick or Lip Balm: Some prefer lipstick for a dramatic appeal while others prefer to go au natural with lip balm. Lipstick can help give your makeup a classy look if you choose a shade appropriate for your skin shade. Be careful. If you have applied a lot of makeup to your eyes, also using a dark or dramatic lipstick shade may make you stand out in a way that you don’t want to.
Lip balm not only moisturizes your lips, it also will help bring out the natural color and texture of your lips. Moisturized lips will also make any other lip color you use more vibrant and long lasting. If you tend to have chapped lips, you should put some lip balm under your lipstick if you choose to wear some color on your lips. That way your lips stay smooth, sexy and kissable!

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