Common Types of Endocrine Conditions

Endocrinology diseases

Endocrine disorders are diseases related to the body’s endocrine glands, such as the thyroid gland, pituitary glands, adrenal glands, and pancreatic glands. The conditions are due to underproduction, overproduction, malfunction of the hormones, and the inability of the glands to function correctly due to benign growth and genetic factors. Juan Carlos Zubieta, MD, MPH, and a team of experts at North Houston Diabetes Institute offers comprehensive education, diagnosis, and treatment for Humble, TX endocrinology diseases.

Endocrinology diseases

These conditions are due to the effect on your hormone production. Hormones control your everyday survival mechanisms such as temperature, sleep, mood, stress, and growth. If there is overproduction, underproduction, or malfunctioning, there will be a traumatic change in our daily activities, which causes a negative impact on your life.

Outlined below are common endocrine diseases due to failure of the endocrine system.


It is the most common endocrine disorder in the United States, which occurs when the pancreatic gland does not produce enough insulin hormone causing glucose to remain in your blood instead of helping the cells. Diabetes triggers the following symptoms:

Excessive thirst, hunger, and fatigue

Frequent urination, nausea, and vomiting

Vision change, unexplained weight gain, and loss

Thyroid disorder

The thyroid gland makes a hormone that tells your body how fast to work. When there is too much thyroid, your system works overdrive, while your system becomes sluggish when it is too little.

The condition is associated with sweating, nervousness, weight loss, fast heart rate, fatigue, depression, and dry skin.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

PSCOS affects many women in the United States. It occurs when ovaries enlarge, containing many small cysts and overproduction of androgen hormone, which causes infertility and problems with the menstrual cycle. Treatment is by balancing hormone levels.


It is low production of testosterone hormone in men causing erectile dysfunction, less energy, shrinkage of testes, depression, muscle weakness, sleeping problems, and hair loss.

Addison disease

It occurs when the adrenal gland does not release enough cortisol hormone and aldosterone due to damage to the adrenal gland.

It causes you to experience depression, diarrhea, hyperpigmentation, hypoglycemia, appetite loss, fatigue, headache, salt craving, nausea, vomiting, unexplained weight loss, and missed menstrual periods.


It is the overproduction of growth hormone by the pituitary gland resulting in overgrowth of hands and feet. It is related to the following symptoms:

Abnormally large lips, nose, mouth, hands, tongue, and feet

Altered facial bone structures

Headaches, fatigue, and weakness

Vision impairment, sleep apnea, deep voice, sexual dysfunction, and bone and cartilage overgrowth

Joint and body ache


Occurs due to excess production of prolactin hormone by a dysfunctional pituitary gland resulting in erectile dysfunction, infertility, libido loss, missed periods, and unexplained milk production

Talk to your endocrinologist today

Endocrine diseases occur due to environmental factors, genetic factors, tumors, and changes in hormone production. If left untreated, they result in disabilities, and even doing your daily activities becomes difficult. Book an appointment with a specialized team of an endocrinologist at North Houston Diabetes Institute in Houston, Texas and get those hormones under control and regain your old normal health back.

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