Palumbosim is also called as steroid gut or a roid gut. Palumbosim is distortion in the structure of the body.Generally we find this condition in professional body builders. This distortion generally would occur at stomach muscles or at thighs. Even the structure of the face can get modified. Due to this distortion some body builders would lose the perfect ‘V’ shape body. Palumbosim was first noticedin 1990s for a professional body builder Dave Palumbo.
Reasons for Steroid Gut
Dianabol can cause roid gut. Exact reason for palumbosim is not yet known. Many researchers assume that it is because of various steroids consumed by them in long run. In order to develop perfect shape of muscles professional body builders take various steroids. These steroids will act on the muscle tissue cells and will give provoke the growth in muscles. As these steroids are taken at long run, to avoid side effects they need to use alternative medicines. Some researchers also say that this distortion could be of the usage of Human Growth Hormone (HGH).
Many body builders use anabolic steroids for the growth of muscles. It was found that usage of anabolic steroids would not result to palumbosim. The combination of anabolic steroid with other drugs or steroids could lead to this condition.
Few researchers state that this distortion of the structure may be due to the stress laid on muscles by professional body builders. In order to get the shape to muscles, body builders would be in continuous work out. This excess workout or activities they do would build stress on the muscle tissues.
Cure for palumbosim
There are many body builders who are seen with large gut and it looks as if it is a beer belly. When a bodybuilder uses drugs and supplements which has iron, it leads to these unexpected side effects. This is usually called HGH gut or HGH belly.
As the exact reason for this distortion is not yet identified and it is assumed that it might be because of high dosage of steroids, usage of HGH, Insulin or stress, medication is not available. Taking considerable amount of rest and avoiding the drugs or giving a break in between the cycle of dosage probably would delay the Palumbosim. There are also ways to increase the levels of growth hormone naturally in the body through regular exercises, nutritious diet and an active lifestyle. There are also many dietary supplements that will provide the necessary nutrition to the pituitary gland to enable it to work smoothly. These too can be tried.
The synthetic HGH has said to enhance the mood which usually is going to happen if you have a good sleep and feel good about your body and appearance. The human growth hormone is powerful drug and it has a lasting effect for a long time, hence it has to consumed with due care. Based on a person’s lifestyle and diet, it is possible to have optimal levels in the body and be healthy. In case the levels are low, HGH injections are an option.