Your ankle joint is made up of the shinbone, tibia end, and fibula bone end. You can experience ankle discoloration or fracture for several reasons, which can be simple or complex. Whichever the case, you need to seek medical attention from medical experts such as the experienced physicians at Vascular Specialists who manage ankle discoloration in Tinley Park. After your treatment, your recovery will depend on several factors such as the nature of the treatment, complexity, type, and location of your discoloration. However, the following tips can help you improve your recovery.
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Collaborate With Your Doctor
Ankle discoloration causes some symptoms that disrupt your life. The treatment will aim at managing the symptoms and restore your ankle’s normal function. This might take a while and can be quite challenging for some types of discolorations. Therefore, your provider will require your support for the treatment to be effective. If your doctor instructs something, be sure to follow it strictly to ensure that all goes well. In severe cases, complete recovery may be unlikely, but fully cooperating with your provider witll ensure the best results possible.
Rest and Pain Medications Can Help You
Most of the symptoms of ankle discoloration can be managed by rest and pain medications. As you recover, you can experience pain, tenderness, swelling, and bruising, all of which can be managed through rest, compression, elevation, and ice. Therefore, ask your provider for directions on these strategies, as they will be necessary to use for several days as you recover.
Check on Your Weight Bearing
Your ankle, and the leg in general, carry your body’s weight and any additional weight you carry. Depending on your condition’s severity, you might be required to avoid some weight-bearing activities, including walking for several days or weeks. You may be able to use walking assistance, such as crutches, to move around if you must move. If your case is less severe, your provider may allow some weight-bearing activities. However, you will need a rigid boot to maintain your stability.
Add Activities Gradually
Whether your doctor recommends you can move your ankle soon or have to wait for a while, you should gradually return to your activities to avoid re-injury. Don’t rush too fast. Instead, follow your doctors’ instructions for activity and movement carefully and strictly. Be sure to take some time to rest and ask our provider when you should return to your activities.
Build Strength Through Recommended Exercises
Your provider can recommend some therapeutic and physical therapy exercises to help build strength once your fracture is stable. You may be required to do some stretching exercises, improve your range of motion, and do some strengthening exercises. Depending on your case’s severity, you might be required to do the exercises at home or work with a physical therapist.
Pay Attention to Your Ankle
As you recover, it is good to watch out for complications in the process and call your doctor immediately with any concerns. If you experience color changes in your ankle, fever, unexpected swelling, inability to move your toes, or your previous symptoms get worse, you might be developing other serious complications such as arthritis or chronic pain.
Ankle discoloration recovery can be improved by observing the above tips. If you are recovering from the condition, consider these tips, and you can experience the benefits. Remember that your recovery involves your collaboration with your provider.